The site is in a sustainable location and is a walkable distance from Great Dunmow High Street along with other key amenities including the Tesco supermarket on Stortford Road. It is in close proximity to Stansted Airport railway station which provides direct connections to both London and Cambridge.
The A120 runs to the south of the site providing direct access to the M11 motorway, Bishops Stortford and Colchester. The site is also close to existing employment locations, schools, healthcare services and other community facilities.
Planning Process
In early 2021 Landsec consulted the local community on its emerging proposals. All the feedback received was then carefully considered by the project team, prior to the submission of the Outline Planning Application to Uttlesford District Council, in May 2021.
An outline planning application seeks permission for the principle of development through the setting of Development Parameters for the site which provide a framework within which future development proposals and applications must comply. The Development Parameters submitted will cover a number of different topics including: the proposed land uses, maximum building heights, size of floor space, access to the site and amount of green space within the boundaries of the development.
The Government sets rules for the amount of new housing needed in each local authority area to meet the demand. It also requires local authorities to plan for this new housing by allocating sites which are suitable for development. Suitable sites should then be recorded in a local planning policy document called the Local Plan.
Although there is an identified need and demand for new housing to be provided in Uttlesford, at present there is not an up to date Local Plan to show where these homes should be built. At present Uttlesford District Council does not have enough existing sites proposed for new development to deliver sufficient housing to meet the Government’s requirements and demand in the area. Landsec strongly believes that the development of this site can go a long way to help meet this need in the short to medium term.