Update: Planning Application Submitted

Uniper would like to take this opportunity to update everyone who has taken an interest in their proposals to redevelop and regenerate the former Kingsnorth power station site for modern employment uses.

In March 2021, following extensive consultation with the local community and a wide range of stakeholders, an outline planning application was submitted to Medway Council.

The plans submitted will:

  • enable the regeneration of the 279-acre brownfield site
  • allow a mixture of commercial, manufacturing and industrial spaces, along with the potential for storage, distribution and data centre uses to come forward
  • deliver new job opportunities and attract long-term investment into the region
  • potentially create more than 2,000 permanent, full-time equivalent jobs, with around 700 temporary construction jobs over the lifetime of the build (once fully occupied)
  • generate at least £48million in economic output and activity per year for the region
  • provide options to create an Energy Hub – potentially generating power, steam and heat for neighbouring businesses
  • provide options to set up a district heating scheme for the proposed housing development – Hoo Rural Town

Since the application was submitted, the project team have been working closely and in collaboration with Medway Council to provide clarity on some of the technical details of the proposals. This is normal practice with large and complex schemes and ensures that each element of the application has been fully assessed and understood by the Council’s relevant statutory consultees and officers.

Following a detailed review of the application, Medway Council recently asked for some additional information, and this is currently being prepared and will be submitted by the project team by the end of this year. Once this additional information has been received and registered by the Council there will be a 30-day consultation period, providing a further opportunity to comment via the Council’s website.

We are hopeful the outline planning application could be presented for determination by the Council’s Planning Committee in February or March 2022. This is however subject to confirmation from the Council. Lastly, Uniper would like to thank each and every person who has taken an interest in MedwayOne so far – the comments and feedback received have been invaluable.

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